
What We Do

We design custom solar panel installations tailored for your home or business. You can be assured that we will complete the installation process in a timely and professional manner, with your specific needs in mind. We maintain worker’s compensation and liability insurance, to give you the confidence in knowing that your assets are protected during the installation process. In addition to the highest quality installation, we also process all the required paperwork and documentation for your solar electric system. 

new england, home, architecture

Residential Services

Helping home owners find cost effective energy solutions

Commercial Services

Assisting business owners lower their overhead cost’s and reduce carbon footprint

Renewable Energy
production, facility, logistic


Innovating solar tech for our customers for The Next Generation

Solar PV Cells & Battery Storage

Supernova Energy has an opportunity when it comes to electricity. A sizable part of the electrical grid is already decarbonized and about 80 per cent of our electricity comes from clean sources like hydroelectricity. But with demand expected to double as we electrify everything in our lives – from electric vehicles to heating homes – we are going to keep up and meet your net-zero climate goals.

When installing a solar power system for a home or business, choosing between monocrystalline vs. polycrystalline solar panels is an important step in the planning process. But how do you decide which is right for you?

The difference between monocrystalline vs. polycrystalline solar cells is the configuration of the silicon:

Monocrystalline solar panels: Each solar PV cell is made of a single silicon crystal. These are sometimes referred to as “mono solar panels.”

Polycrystalline solar panels: Each PV cell is made of multiple silicon crystal fragments that are melded together during manufacturing. You may see them called “multi-crystalline panels” or “poly panels.”

Both types of solar panels have the same purpose: converting sunlight into electricity. However, the crystalline silicon structure of individual solar cells affects their performance and appearance. In fact, you can identify the type of panel by simply observing the shape and color of its solar cells.

Monocrystalline solar panels are characterized by their black PV cells with rounded edges. They have a higher conversion efficiency than polycrystalline panels, which means they produce more kilowatt-hours of electricity. 

Battery storage has entered a new phase of rapid growth, brought on by falling prices for lithium-ion batteries and rising demand for electricity sources that can fill in the gaps in a grid that is increasingly fueled by wind and solar.